Reception area is an area where everyone sits. It’s a first impression of client and visitors when they walk through door. Its furniture should be functional and inspirational. Organizations that have a large number of visitor’s footsteps should have an extra mile of space which needs to maximize the guarantee of comfort and flexibility. 



It is not an ordinary desk, but it gives the impression of the whole office.  By installing unique and sleek designs you can convey a message of commitment and authentication towards customers. We office provide a vast range of desk including modern and contemporary designs. From lavish designs like Zen reception desk, Peru reception desk and Mehr reception desk to Eco friendly designs like Neptune Reception desk, Kazo reception desk and Gravity Reception desk.

Our unique variety of reception tables will not only provide elegance but thoughtfulness with distinctive designs.


Reception Desk & Reception Area Furniture


Not only does the reception desk hold the main focus but sitting furniture in a reception area says a lot about organization reliability. Torn off couches and chairs will make an inferior look. These uncomfortable seats will make visitors uneasy and they will feel their time is not passing by. Rather than that quality modern office furniture gives a reliable and classy look and is comfortable for visitors while waiting. 


Colors matter


According to many researchers colors have a solid impact on human visualization and consideration. Reception areas are the first and foremost image of your organizations. Using orange and yellow in reception areas doesn’t feel appropriate and calm rather than using sleek and chic style. Having an exclusive and posh reception area not only gives a positive impact of organization but also feel comfortable for visitors while waiting.


Design Features to consider


Style and nature of furniture play an important role. It should represent the company’s ideology. If you are running a business of innovative technology products but have installed classy traditional office furniture this doesn’t match the style of business. Rather than traditional office furniture you can have innovative designs collection from office modern office furniture range. 


Space allocation should be made in a pleasant way so that it gives a look of organized and manageable team. Waiting areas should be spacious and comfortable so that visitors can spend more comfortable time while waiting. But don’t forget the receptionist who needs to work in a relaxing space. A receptionist should have enough space where they can work more deliberately.  


Realism and Functionality matters a lot. If you have less number of visitors and your business is not a type where you have many clients to visit. Then investing on reception area furniture is of no use. You just need a reception desk to attend visitors. 


Employee’s wellbeing is as essential as investing in a company. Having quality and aesthetic furniture for the reception table is not only safe for employee’s health but also increases their potential. The desk and chairs should be at a comfortable height and proper ergonomic office furniture should be installed. Good quality reception furniture increases the efficiency of employees.

Reception areas can make any lobby into a more attractive and appealing spot. Every furniture item gives a complete look. Extra space for storage purposes in the reception area is always great to use. Either it can be used to keep your personal belongings or official equipment. Having a separate space makes the reception area organized.


Reception areas should have all facilities which visitors require. Allocating recharging slots in waiting areas where they can recharge their phones and laptops  and can get good Wi-Fi connections while waiting, will make them more relaxed and user friendly. 


Decent designs always standout. Adding fresh flowers to the reception desk or any sculptures or company message in graphics will add a value to your reception area. Visitors are more comfortable in user friendly reception areas rather than in a sophisticated one. This area is a place where every visitor or client gets their first idea of organization. 


Guidelines for choosing reception Desk & Reception area Furniture

Secure, comfortable and capable furniture is an essential aspect while purchasing any office furniture. But don’t neglect other aspects which are basic of purchasing reception area furniture, like quality of material used in furniture. Buying office furniture from cheap manufactures not only increases its uncertainty and damage risk but are uncomfortable. Rather than that quality furniture not only minimizes this risk but gives a classy and unique look of the environment.  

We office not only provide quality furniture but also guide our customers with best creative ways to utilize space on its fullness. Providing modern office furniture that suits your organization ideology and your dreams. We provide customized designs and give our customers a complete freedom of choice ranging from 130 colors. Offering best imported and authentic wooden furniture and delivering in UAE with the fastest way. 


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